These are the last round of Values and Principles that I co-created with my current (extraordinary) team.

  1. Start with the Problem

  2. Evolution over Parity

  3. Think Big, Start Small, Test Often

  4. Solutions should be Sustainable, Scalable, and Usable

  5. Perfection isn't Necessary, but Progress is

Our Product team Values articulate who we are, who we aim to be and what characteristics we look for in people we intend to add to our team. We believe that having these characteristics will ensure we serve the best interest of Clients, our Stakeholders, our Peers and our Company.

Product Values

Product Principles


We start from a place of curiosity, not judgment.
We are open to learning and growing.
We keep asking, “Why, why, why,” until we get to the heart of the problem.


We have empathy with anyone affected by the decisions we make: both internal and external.
We value “power with” instead of “power over”.


We welcome our missteps as opportunities to learn.
We embrace good ideas that come from anyone, anywhere at any time.


We trust each other. 
We either keep our promises or do not make them.
Peers, engineers, stakeholders, clients all need to trust us and we do not take that lightly.


Collaboration is not about gluing together existing egos. It’s about the ideas that never existed until after everyone entered the room.

Product principles are guideposts that ensure that we stay true to the ideals we set for ourselves. They are guidelines that help us make good product decisions, help provide consistency, alignment and focus. Every choice we make can be checked against these principles. A product principle isn’t a goal; It’s never “reached.” It’s always there as an ever-present beacon. Product Principles enable cross-functional teams to evaluate work and make better, more autonomous decisions.